Final Product Done!

This is my final presentation and here are a couple of my favorite ones. My presentation is about how today people have special dietary needs and when people go to the cafeteria people with those dietary needs need something to detect what is in the food. My partner and I came up with the idea ofContinue reading “Final Product Done!”

Step 1: for Research & Empathize

On Tuesday the November 7 we had to group up with a partner and pick a problem definition in society or on campus. My partner and I came up with better parking at Quinnipiac University, food/ special dietary needs at Quinnipiac University, equal gender rights for gays/ transgender, and sophomore and commuter should be ableContinue reading “Step 1: for Research & Empathize”

Research and Problem definition

This week me and my partner made a “survey monkey” getting different information about who is allergic to things on campus from all different students. Also we emailed the student government on campus to ask who is in charge of the food and special dietary needs. In class we had a couple exercises to doContinue reading “Research and Problem definition”

Special Dietary Needs at Quinnipiac

For the next few post I will be talking about in my blog is long-term project that I will be researching and trying to make a difference or better. Since I am a student at Quinnipiac University my partner and I were thinking of ideas that we could try to fix or better, which weContinue reading “Special Dietary Needs at Quinnipiac”

Testing out Prototypes

There are a couple ways to improve your test results, which are prototype, context (scenario), how you interact with the user, how you observe, and capture feedback. When the users are testing out the prototype you have to focus on what you’re testing and not the user. For context and scenario you should set upContinue reading “Testing out Prototypes”

Prototype wacky app

Understanding of your users that was translated into a set of potential insight of non-obvious truths about your users and some of those potential insights were validated by prototypes. Then some prototypes were made into successful products, which is called an empathy-based prototype. Everything that you start to build is going to be more empatheticContinue reading “Prototype wacky app”

Ideation and Creative Thinking

In the ted talk about “How to build your creative confidence” by David Kelly, he talks about many examples of creative confidence. For example, he talked about how his friend in 3rd grade that was making a clay horse and a girl said that his horse looks far from if and it is horrible. HisContinue reading “Ideation and Creative Thinking”