Motion Graphic- chapter Summaries

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Animated Storytelling Chapter 1: Motion Graphic Design Chapter 2: Animated Storytelling Chapter 2: Motion Graphic Design Chapter 3: Animated Storytelling Chapter 3: Motion Graphic Design Chapter 4: Animated Storytelling Chapter 4: Motion Graphic Design Chapter 5: Animated Storytelling Chapter 5: Motion Graphic Design Chapter 6: Animated Storytelling

Motion graphics- Final PSA

For my final PSA I wanted to discuss the history of Vogue Magazine. I always had a passion for fashion and always loved looking at both magazines since I was little. If I wasn’t going into insurance I would’ve wanted to work at Vogue in their graphic design and communications department. To work for aContinue reading “Motion graphics- Final PSA”

Motion Graphic -Cinemagraph

For our assignment we had to make a cinemagraph. I always though they were very Unique because Cinema graphs play trick with your mind because it’s not a photo and it’s not a video completely because only one part of the photo is moving. I wish my lighting was better For the glass and bubblingContinue reading “Motion Graphic -Cinemagraph”